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Used weaving Loom Machine
Used Jacquard Weaving Loom Machine
Used Dornier Electric Jacquard Terry Towel Air Jet Loom Machine
Used Dornier Electric Jacquard Terry Towel Air Jet Loom Machine
Ref :18-1-2017
Class :8
Brand :Dornier
- Quantity :
We are please to offer used under Terry Towel .
28 Nos Air jet terry towel loom Dornier type LTNF8/J – 2600 mm
- YOC 1999 - 16sets, 2688hoosk.
- YOC - 1998 - 12sets - 5736hooks.
Jacquard machine Staubli type CX 880, 2688 hooks (drive by vertical shaft), equipped with 2600 hooks JC 5 controller
- 8 colours
- control panel AT-2
- elec. let-off and take-up
- 4 weft accumulators with stand and creel type ROJ Electroteks (Super Elf)
- delivery folding device BELMATEX KZ56
- 1,5 top beam dia. 1.200mm,
- 1,5 warp beam dia 800mm,
- 1 inverter/machine
- 1 Gantry (for two looms)
- Harnesses 108 end/centimeter
- warp stop motion for ground and pile with droppers as installed
- step less speed control up to 500 r.p.m. equipped with warp tension feeler
- Dornier tuck-in device
- Electr. scissors ring and left side
- There is possibility to produce two fabrics as well as frotte fabric with two heights of loops
- Weft stand for 6 bobbins + 6 spare bobbins
Condition: running
Location: Vietnam
- Delivery immediately