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Used Bennginer Sizing Machine

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    Benninger and Karl mayer
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We want to sell under machines 

The unit is suitable to make weaving beams from 220 cm till 540 cm, from Ø 800 – 1600 mm flange (!!).
Cotton, monofil, all kind of Synthetic spunyarn, jute: everything is possible.
With or without sizing (bypass possible)
We can sell each and every unit separate (sizing with or without direct warpers, etc. )
Complete warping , assembling and sizing/beaming unit for wider with beams for technical fabrics.
We have a complete weaving preparation unit for sale.
The unit is consisting the following machines/components.
Currently only lot sale is possible, to keep the department as a complete unit.

Karl Mayer warping machine, type ZM – SP 1800 / 1400 DMC,
Serial 17083, yoc 2003, working width 1800mm,
Flange Ø 1400 mm, complete with 24 balanced warp beams.
Complete  with creel, Karl Mayer, type GM-SP-300,
300 ends, gauge 460 mm, with KFD-AIR yarn tensioner, Sohler traversing blower,
With central tension control,  serial 17086, yoc 2003.  


Karl Mayer warping machine, type ZM – SP 1800 / 1400 DMC,
Serial 16837, yoc 2002, working width 1800mm,
Flange Ø 1400 mm, complete with 24 balanced warp beams.
Complete  with creel, Karl Mayer, type GM-SP-300,
184 ends, gauge 460 mm, with KFD-AIR yarn tensioner,
With central tension control, Sohler traversing blower and Protechna warp stop motion.
 serial 16843, yoc 2002.  

Benninger assembling / sizing range, type Ben-Sizetec, max ww 5600 mm,  max flange Ø 1600 mm,
Yoc 2000/2001 (installed in 2003), consisting of:

 Double Inlet creel for 2 x 16 pcs warping beams,  ww 1800 mm, max flange Ø 1400 mm,
With pneumatic brakes. (Creel for production 16 positions, spare creel for 16 positions)

Benninger sizing unit, single dip single squeeze, roller width 3780 mm,
14 drying cylinders, Ø 800 mm, ww 3800 mm, 4 pcs are teflonized

Benninger sizing kitchen, complete with solvent tank with stirrer and turbo cooker.
All of the year 2002.

Benninger head stock, type Ben-Sizetec, ww max 5600 mm, max flange Ø 1600 mm,
Year of construction 2002, with hydraulic operator bridge.
Serial 250 180 807.
Total floor plan 32 x 10,8 meter.
Head stock: 297 x 865 x 232 cm (L x W x H)

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